Future Events

Dates for your diary in 2024

  • Saturday June 1st: 2:30-4:00pm: Cartoon workshop for 8-13 year olds with CLIVE GODDARD – FULLY BOOKED!, illustrator, cartoonist and author of the exciting Fintan Fedora series. FREE event at Abingdon Library but booking is essential, and participating young people must be accompanied by an adult.
  • July 7th: 2-4pm: Alice in Wonderland family event around the treacle Well in Binsey (in partnership with Oxford City’s Alice Day, The Story Museum and The Lewis Carroll Society).
  • October : Author visit to schools… tbc.
  • November 20th: OCBG AGM and Bring n’ Share supper with guest speaker Bella Pearson of Guppy Books.


Clive Goddard Cartooning Workshop flyer

You can download the above flyer in pdf format here.


Fabulous Monsters and Curious Creatures at The Treacle Well flyer

You can download the above flyer in pdf format here.


Books image separator

Watch this space for more details of events happening in Oxfordshire in 2024

Book Swaps:
We hold regular Book Swaps for our school members If your school would like us to help you hold a Book Swap, to get the whole school reading, please let us know!”

School Visits:
Author/illustrator visits to member schools throughout the year, please contact us for details.


Image of a pile of books